Postural changes during Pregnancy and the Post Partum Period

Postural changes during pregnancy and post partum should be taken into consideration when thinking about how to exercise during this period…

During pregnancy the weight of your growing bump can force you into a hyper lordotic posture, this is the name for excessive curvature of the lower spine. If left and not corrected post partum this can then lead to a weak core and lower back pain and problems. To correct a lordotic posture you need to strengthen the core and gluteal muscles whilst stretching the hip flexors and erector spinae.

Also during pregnancy growing breast tissue can lead to a hyper kyphotic posture, this means excessive curvature of the upper back. Once baby is born we then spend a lot of time feeding them, cuddling them, pushing a pram, carrying them, driving them around etc All these things will exacerbate the kyphosis. If left, kyphosis will lead to a hunched back.
To correct a kyphotic posture you need to strengthen the muscles in the mid and upper back whilst stretching the muscles in the chest.

Continuing to train without fixing these postural imbalances can lead to injury but the good news is that with the correct exercises and consistent training and guidance from a professional, postural imbalances can be fixed. With good posture your training will go from strength to strength very quickly but it’s important to lay the groundwork and listen to your trainer before moving on to more complicated training.

If you feel you need help with your posture please reach out. I would be happy to help you stand tall again. Helen x



Would you say it to your daughter

Something to think about…

When you look in the mirror are you mentally picking out your perceived faults? What is the voice in your head saying to you? Are you being kind or cruel? Would you say those things to your child?

I think I already know what most of you are answering to these questions so lets have a reality check ladies…

Your body has literally made another human!… It has performed a miracle. It created, grew, nourished then birthed a whole new person!!! Of course it has changed along the way but so have you because becoming a parent is one of the most life altering things that may happen in your lifetime.

So the next time you look in the mirror try talking to yourself as you would talk to your child. Build yourself up instead of bringing yourself down. Be kind not cruel. Most importantly recognise how strong and amazing your body is for everything that it has achieved. YOU are amazing and deserve to be told that every single day.




This pretty little hormone that looks like a party streamer is essential for pregnancy. It loosens ligaments, allows your body to stretch and pelvis to open for birth, however, this beauty will still be present for around 6 months post partum OR 5 months after you stop breastfeeding!

This means you need to consider the exercises or type of exercise you do post partum, as relaxin will be there making your ligaments looser and joints unstable. This in turn can lead to injury! 😱😱😱
We definitely dont want to be injured when a tiny human is depending on us for EVERYTHING!

At Fit Mummy this is factored into every session and the exercises we do are designed to help rebuild strength and fitness in a way that is safe for your post partum requirements.

Please don’t guess and get injured. Let me help you back to fitness safely whilst having fun along the way.


Breastfeeding Welcome here!

Ive been asked a few times over the years if breastfeeding is welcome at Fit Mummy. It breaks my heart that anyone would think they possibly werent allowed to feed their child wherever they are via breast or bottle.
You can absolutely breastfeed your baby/toddler/child at Fit Mummy Bootcamp. You are welcome to come in early to feed them before we start, you’re welcome to feed them mid session and you’re welcome to stay and feed them after the session if needed. Please feel comfortable to attend to all of your childs needs whilst you are at Fit Mummy. You do your mum thing and I will work around you and your little one to give you the best workout possible with the situation you have on that day


Why The Wait?

This photo is a great reminder of how amazing and LARGE the placenta is! After birth this detaches from the uterus wall leaving an open wound the size of a dinner plate! Even if you feel fine externally please remember a whole lot is going on internally.. healing, organs shifting back to where they belong etc so please please please rest, recover and wait the recommended 6 weeks post natural birth before starting any exercise programme. After a C-section you’ve got a whole lot more healing to do so please wait at least 12 weeks before starting any exercise programme! This is so important and we won’t let any Mummy start at FMBC before these recommended time frames.

You’ve got all the time in the world to Start training again so enjoy those baby cuddles and let yourself heal