Finding out you are pregnant can be one of the happiest moments of your life but after the initial excitement dies down a lot of Mums to be will begin to worry if what they are doing, eating and drinking will harm their baby. Every Mum only wants to protect the life inside them and to avoid any harm a lot of women that have previously been active gym goers will stop for fear of  hurting their unborn child. Older generations will often tell you to rest and put your feet up whilst pregnant but we now know that this is the worst advice that can be given because staying fit and strong throughout pregnancy is hugely beneficial for both Mum and baby.

Benefits of training throughout pregnancy include…

  • Reduced risk of high blood pressure
  • Controls gestational weight gain
  • Eases constipation
  • Improves sleep and mood
  • Improves posture and reduces back pain
  • Reduces the risk of gestational diabetes, preeclampsia and caesarean delivery
  • Increases body awareness and improved self image
  • Faster post natal recovery
  • Improved mental health
  • Helps baby move into the optimum position for birth
  • Improves strength and stamina to aid you through labour and birth

So, we’ve established that exercising throughout pregnancy will do nothing but help you through the demands of pregnancy, labour, birth and the post natal period BUT it’s important that you know exactly what you should and more importantly shouldn’t be doing throughout each trimester. Although it is completely safe to exercise right up until you go into labour it is advised you seek the advice of a qualified pre and post natal trainer that can guide you safely through the changes each trimester brings and help you optimise your workouts to ensure your body is prepared for the journey ahead!

At Fit Mummy MK we have a few different options to help you train safely and effectively throughout your pregnancy…


Pre-Natal Group Fitness Training – Starting September 2oth!

Our Pre-natal group training sessions are the perfect way to stay fit and strong throughout pregnancy. Classes are lead by a qualified and experienced pre-natal trainer to ensure that you are training safely through each trimester and getting the most from your training.

Alongside the training you will also have access to our Fit Mummy Family Facebook group and will be sent our pre natal training guide to ensure you know what adaptations are needed throughout pregnancy and more importantly why!

Classes are held at our gym in Bletchley on First Avenue on Tuesdays at 5.30pm (More classes to be added soon!)

You can book your trial session below. Once that has been purchased I will be in touch via email with all the info you will need for your trial session including the booking link and pre exercise health questionnaire.


Pre Natal Trial Session

Pre Natal Trial Session


Once you have completed your trial session you can then purchase blocks of sessions which can be used as you please. Any sessions left unused can be transferred over to our post-natal fit mummy sessions.


Pre Natal 10 Sessions

Pre Natal 10 Sessions



Pre Natal 5 Sessions

Pre Natal 5 Sessions


The Fit Mummy Online Training Programme – COMING SOON


Fit Mummy Personal Pre-Natal Coaching

At Fit Mummy MK we offer a pre-natal coaching service that will take you from the moment you see that double line on your pregnancy test all the way through to the end of your pregnancy. We adapt and adjust your training plan as your pregnancy progresses and every workout is tailored to you and your individual circumstances.

Whats Included?

Initial consultation – Before devising your first months training programme we need to get to know you, your workout and health history, your goals and aims and any fears or worries you may have. We ask you to fill out a questionnaire prior to the consultation and then discuss your answers during either  face to face meet up or over a zoom call. This is a very important part of the process as the more we can get to know you before we begin the more we can tailor the programme to suit YOU.

Your first months training plan – Based on your initial consultation we devise a training plan for the upcoming month. This will be explained to you during either a face to face personal training session or Zoom training session. We will make sure you know exactly what each exercise in the plan entails and check that you’re performing each exercise correctly.

Monthly training plan revision – As we approach each new month of your pregnancy we revise the training plan and make any adaptations necessary that will ensure there are no contraindications to the trimester you are in. Each monthly revision includes another face to face or zoom training session to ensure you feel confident with any changes. These monthly catch ups also give us a chance to discuss any pregnancy symptoms you are experiencing so we can factor that into your training plan.

Access to the private Facebook group – The private Facebook group offers so many benefits. You can get to know other mummies keeping fit throughout their pregnancy, share your journey, ask questions and also have a bit of banter. We post regular tips and advice in the group to help keep everyone motivated. Its a fantastic and supportive community of like minded mummies and a safe space to discuss anything on your mind that is fitness, nutrition and pregnancy related.

Ongoing access to your trainer via email – A lot can happen in a month and sometimes complications or concerns may arise and you will need to fill us in. You can email us at any time throughout your coaching and we will get back to you as soon as we can. If you are experiencing complications with your pregnancy we can advise that you either need to stop exercising or we can adapt your training programme to accommodate.


We want you to feel happy, fit, healthy and most importantly safe throughout your pregnancy. Together we can achieve this.

The Fit Mummy Pre-Natal Coaching programme is just £99 per month for a fully personalised service that will take you from positive test to birth.

To enrol and start your pregnancy training plan today or if you have any worries or concerns please contact me on 07723020994